Sunday, November 24, 2024

Detail #441: Naming the nights

 In several cultures, there's a cycle of names for days, and of course English is a trivial example of this. Now, imagine if there were separate names for the nights!

It could make sense, for some reasons, to have a separate cycle length for the nights: if the night is named by the group that is responsible for the night guard, it might be desirable that different groups cycle out to be able to participate in daytime religious obligations.


  1. I've been reading your blog for ages and while I don't know enough to comment much on grammar, I feel I should let you know I appreciate your work and this in particular is SUCH a cool concept.

  2. This has basis in the Aztec Lords of the Day and of the Night. A cycle of 13 Lords of the Day meshes with a cycle of 9 Lords of the Night.
    Echoing the above comment, I'm a long-time reader first-time commenter.
