Friday, September 25, 2015

Reduplication in Sargaĺk

Sargaĺk has a few types of reduplication.

  • Non-morphological Reduplication
    These are words that are made to reappear with the same marking in a sentence, with the same referent (if they're nouns), or the same verb (possibly with slightly different markings). With verbs, it restricts the meaning to very literal. In the present tense, it also implies habitual, whereas in the past tense it is very much perfect and intense.

    For nouns, it marks the importance of the noun (or adjective or adverb) with regards to the discourse.
  • Full reduplication in situ
    Intensifies verbs, With nouns it can be restrictive: only x, the only x. For some indefinite pronouns, this changes the meaning (any → some, (roughly speaking); one → each, what → is there even such a thing )
  • Single-syllable triplication
    This has a rather specific use: to imply that someone is going on about something too much. Any verb, noun or adjective can be used this way. The syllable before the stressed syllable is tripled.
    Inik mramramrasuta
    stop(imperative) (your) whine-acc.

    (you) with your cousins!
    savt kaveveveĺtva nisissu
    she speak-ak-ak-3sg.fem dog-loc
    she is speaking of dogs all the time

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