Monday, November 12, 2012

Miniature conlangs

The construction of languages for hobbyist purposes tends to be a very private hobby, in that a lot of thinking and tinkering goes into every tiny bit of produced quality conlanging. Many clever or interesting ideas may never reach any kind of audience whatsoever, as the conlanger strives for a full reference-grammar style work to see the light of day. Many ideas never are worked into that reference-grammar.

The intention here is to post short descriptions of grammatical features I come up with that just might get included in some actual more coherent, full conlang grammar. Some of these ideas will not be destined to merge with anything such. As ideas add up, some of them might fit together. I might mention if some ideas are gravitating together into a single language.

If someone spots an idea that they know to be attested, point it out! I'd be glad to hear of such coincidences - although possibly, it can be the case I am accidentally plagiarizing some reference grammar or such.

Ideas may pertain to any field of language - most will probably be somewhat syntax and morphosyntax-related, possibly some lexical ideas, occasionally morphology, even less often morphophonology and phonology. I do hope to have some imaginative ideas for fictional sociolinguistics and pragmatics as well.

Some posts may qualify as "microblogging"-sized nuggets. Some may be a bit more researched with even books on typology being quoted.

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