Monday, June 30, 2014

Tatediem: Various subordinating conjunctions

As you may recall, Tatediem has a slightly peculiar 'and' - morphologically it is a noun. (Oftentimes, though, conjunctions are absent in coordinated noun phrases. In addition, the 'and' also serves a few other roles as a particle.) Most other conjunctions, likewise, are nouns. In fact, certain distinctions are made by noun morphology.

One common subordinating conjunction originates with the word Tatediem word for 'event, case, circumstance, occurrence'. Normally, this is a neuter 2 noun, (ye)med-, but sometimes it is given the grammatical class marker instead, giving remed-. This has a few uses, depending on which cases are applied to it: instrumental - as a mass noun: if, remest, absolutive - whether, remedo, dative - in order to, remesti. As a singular definite partitive remeti, during. Remedo mainly functions as a direct object of verbs such as know. A form remesti is used for 'regardless if' or 'whether' in constructions like "whether he arrives or not is of no relevance"

The word for 'and' likewise has a nominal origin, in the noun 'group, tribe', (ku)el.

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