Friday, October 17, 2014

A Challenge!

Pull off grammaticalization of some expletive so it becomes a regular part of the language. However, do this in an elegant fashion.


  1. There's something like this in one branch of the Edastean languages of Akana:

    Ndak Ta penta ‘to fuck up’ (described as "highly insulting when said of somebody else")
    → Fáralo peitə ‘fucking do’ (auxiliary verb, "adds a jocular obscenity to the sentence")
    → an emphatic auxiliary in several daughters of Fáralo (Namɨdu pyotta, Farwo n-Abebbu pyatta, Fallo na Mendia piatta, Woltu Falla peta), with a meaning similarly to the English adverb "really"

  2. Is fucking-infixing not elegant enough for you?

    1. partially - it's still an expletive when used as an infix, also, it's a bit too peripheral. writing a whole -fucking-infixless book is no challenge.
