Monday, January 25, 2016

Ŋʒädär: A Mood Marked by Word Order

Much like in English, the imperative is marked in Ŋʒädär by fronting the verb (and omitting any 2nd person subject). However, this imperative-like mood also serves certain other functions. In a subclause, it serves to mark the purpose for which something was done, e.g.
vär ehi luqu-nta-jut törö-ntä-z ehi p'arŋuba
you (s)he trick-fut-inv get-fut-direct (s)he  inheritance
(s)he will trick you so that (s)he will get the inheritance
This fronting is the sole circumstance in which the negation goes after the (main) verb. Auxiliaries need not be fronted, but if they are, they too follow the main verb. Another use of this mood is 'until' with the future form if the main clause has a present form or past form in it. 
ehi gäbü-lö-: mat'a-nta-: k'ugoru
he scream-past-intr leave-fut-intr bear
he screamed until the bear went away

mat'a-nta-: k'ugoru a ehi gäbü-lö-:
leave-fut-intr bear * he scream-past-intr
'a' serves as a subclause delimiter.

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