Friday, June 3, 2016

Ŋʒädär Postpositions

Ŋʒädär has a bunch of postpositions. Phonologically, postpositions attach directly to nouns in some cases, but differ from case suffixes in a few ways:
  • They can be coordinated by simply lining them up.
  • They can go on axı, 'or(?)'.
  • They can form adverbials, and can be turned into verbs as well
  • They can be given intensifying morphology
  • Negation of a PP works differently from negation of a 'casephrase'.
Postpositions do change to account for vowel harmony, but they tend to have a 'favoured' form that is used when they're isolated from a noun. The vowels of that form are going to be included in this list. This is not an exhaustive list of the postpositions.

-bara - around
bararok - surround
baruk - envelop
baruŋrık - to exude
-ok'an - from, out of
ok'arok - to take something out of something
ok'uk - to originate somewhere
ok'uŋrık - to give forth, to provide, to be the source of a substance
ok'uŋrut'ık - to empty out into, to be the source for some recipient (a body of water, for instance)
-nok'an -  out of
nok'arok - to empty
nok'uk - to leave, to exit
-t'as - under
t'asarok - 'cover'. -aro- is a causative marker.
-nas - below in rank, lower in stature, shorter than
nasarok - demoting someone. It seems to be formed by analogy to t'asarok.
-vige - through
-vime -  across
vime and vige share the verbal and adverbial forms vikik(tr.v), viŋik (intr.v.), vike (adv)The verbs signify 'to pass, to cross', as movement (transitive), or 'to pass, to cross (+obl location)' for something that does not move, but whose location passes or crosses something else.
-p'öt - seated on
-p'öme - riding, mounted on
Two verb forms, p'ödök (dynamic), p'ömös (static), signify getting seated or mounting (dynamic) as well as riding (static).The adverb p'ömer signifies 'by horse'.
-kamo - without
kamo as noun: flaw, fault
verb: to be missing (if missing from somebody, the person lacking the thing is in 
kamər adverb, 'weakly, flawedly, with previously mentioned lack'
-gəvı - in front of, on account of, for, as an emissary of
gəvək - represent
gəvərık - block, prevent, stand in front of
gəvımık - precede
gəvıŋrık - lead

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