Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Barxaw: Relative clauses

There are several strategies for forming relative clauses or pragmatically similar constructions in Barxaw.

1. Embedded clause with external pronoun
This is a bit similar to something like this:
He never set foot in the house that he had built -> He never set foot in it, he built the house.
However, the pronoun is somewhat specific to this construction (consisting of a gendered pronoun and a particle otherwise used with topicalized pronouns, "na"). The noun in the embedded clause that is coreferent with the pronoun gets the same particle on it, or is fronted if possible. This kind of construction does not appear much with noun phrases that are not clause-final.

2. Embedded clause with no specific particles introducing it, gapping for subjects and objects, and resumptive pronouns otherwise. Generally, TAM auxiliaries are not used in this kind of relative subclause.

Some restrictions apply for the word order with gapped objects.

3. Clause coordinated with the main clause:
he never set foot in the house yet it was he that built it
4. Embedded clause introduced by the same pronoun as in #1, but with the noun remaining in the matrix clause.
He never set foot in the house, it-na he built.
Unusual, but occurs. Only used with subjects and objects of the embedded clause.

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