Tuesday, September 15, 2015

A Play by David Crystal

David Crystal, a fairly prolific linguist who has written a great number of books on topics such as language death, historical linguistics, clinical linguistics, has also written - back in the 1990s - a play. The play deals with the topic of language death. It is obviously a dramatization of the topic, and deals with a rather traumatic form of language death (that of a tribe being devastated by disease) - but still, it manages, I suspect, to give a good hint at the experience of being the last speaker of a language rather well.

For people with an interest in linguistics, however, parts of it does read a bit like an info-dump. However, for most people I guess the info-dump might be genuine news. The bits that are impressive generally deal with the character Shalema, the last speaker of his language.

The manuscript is available for interested readers here.

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