Monday, December 15, 2014

Conreligions: Tuxiper - a sample of the Mexdron Tikil

The following sample is a rather loose translation into English. It can be found among discussions of the geography of the world where the spirits normally reside. I here use | as a punctuation to mark the end of an utterance - usually followed by a different speaker. It is the only punctuation used in the Mexdron Tikil. Mexdron Tikil was originally written in Juǧwim, a language closely related to Ćwarmin, even mutually intelligible. Some guesswork is needed due to the unclarity of who is saying what; in cases where such a guess is very uncertain, it's been put in parentheses with a question mark.

A discussion between the radestim (shamans) Erduś, Dantiś, Peduć, the ćrajim (spirits) Enǧab, Agnrić, Inspil and the środo (troll) Sradrngin, last of his kind in Tubar. 
The Ćwarmin shamans know the powers of erdan ore| Erdan is worthless if you do not know its powers| We do not know its powers either, but there are those among us who do, they only share it when they think they are soon to die, if they are sure the recipient of the knowledge is worthy of it. They shroud it in secret, but also teach it openly in shrouded form, just like the Ćwarmin shamans| I found a lump of wrought erdan in town, and was overcome by weakness, and fell to the ground. A man helped me up, and as I looked at him I realized he was not of my world, but one of you. This was my first view of the other world| This is how erdan works in our world (too?)| The richest erdan mines are near the mountain Barit| (Barit?) is the mountain Teugon| They are close to each other, but they are not the same. A place (in this world?) is not a place in that world, although they may share locations and be similar| The worlds are siblings|Teugon has rich erdan, but poor in quality|Erdan quality is measured in the purity of the tone of a bell in cast iron|Erdan quality is measured in the strength of a needle| Erdan drinking cups are not fit for royalty| Theugon is dangerous to travel by, I prefer the other world and travel at Barit. The mountain Barit is not inhabited by auxrim (supernatural entities that hate trolls, men and ćraðim)|Auxrim are attracted to poor erdan, and the miners (at Theugon) threw bad erdan around the ground. The place has been full of them since| Auxrim can be tamed, but they must be captured by night in a cage of low quality erdan. Then feed them garlic cut with a good-quality erdan knife for a year, and also fish or eggs. They are then good for guarding your house| Auxrim do not survive in warm climates| Arboguś kept an auxrim in Sirgadś (Juxwim name for the capital of the Dairwueh empire, by Tuxiper measures a warm place)| Sirgadś is by Drerxa to us|Drerxa is cold, not warm|yes, the worlds are siblings but distances work differently, as do directions|Sirgadś to Emga is north-by-northwest, Drerxa to Sitpan is west-by-southwest. Emga is five days from Sirgadś, Sitpan seven days from Drerxa. Emga is at Sitpan. But five days north from Sirgadś is Elunk, one day east from Drerxa is Suban. Suban is by Elunk|Do auxrim (survive?) if (at least?) one (clime is cold?)?|I think so|Esdś kept many auxrim, some died for no reason| ...

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