Saturday, April 16, 2016

Sargaĺk: Basic Directions and Direction-Metaphors

Sargaĺk has several different important directional adverbs, and also a number of related locational adverbs.

A few directional adverbs are mostly used in hunting and fishing:

sak'ĺy - downwind
p'ankŕ - upwind
sak'ĺyas (at a location that is) upwind
p'ankŕas (at a location that is) downwind
However, these also are used metaphorically to mean 'into the house' or 'out of the house', with upwind being outside, and downwind being inside.
kimŕ - out from land
dĺaŕ - in towards land

kimŕas, dĺŕas, analogously signify on land/off land.
Two of the Sargaĺk islands are mountaneous - mainly fairly old, worn mountains. However, among the settlers of these larger islands, some have settled some way inland as well, and brought reindeer herding into those areas since encountering it with the Ćwarmin. A few adverbials of direction are restricted to these two islands, and in different forms on both:
galurne - up the mountains, inland
galuru - up in the mountains, located inland
galusta - down the mountains, to the shore
from galu, hill.
from ĺte, high. 

Your home island, home village, and home bay are three rather important locations each referred to as kufŋa, with adverbials kufru, kutsa, kuffe.

In addition, any direction can combine with the morphemes teʒ or sox in the daytime, where teʒ signifies "on the sun's side of the direction", and sox signifies the other side. In the nighttime, the meanings of the markers it combines with vary: teʒ signifies the moon if visible, and sox the other side, but if the moon is missing, a polar star-like star takes its place as point of reference.

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