Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Shameless Self Promotion II

Besides coming up with imaginary typological features and working on my conlangs, I also compose music. Over the last several years, I've been mainly focusing on xenharmonic music, i.e. music in tuning systems other than twelve equally spaced tones to the octave.

This sometimes has me ending up with pieces of music that I've made. Here's two that I have not yet shared on here:

Like in my previous post along the same lines, these are in eleven tones per octave - i.e. the semitone is about 9% wider than in the usual tuning, a difference that adds up for each interval. This makes the regular chords well-nigh useless, and the regular scales also do not really work out like previously.

This forces the composer to use unfamiliar chord types and unfamiliar scale types and thus also unfamiliar progressions and unfamiliar everythings.

I hope the results are compelling enough. Since these are, in a very real sense, experimental works, feedback is more than welcome.

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